Hey movers and shakers, over the course of my many moves I’ve amassed a lot of do’s and don’ts (mostly don’ts) on moving and relocating.
I’m hoping to make this page a perpetual work in progress, adding tips and tricks as they come my way. Check back often for up-to-the-minute updates!
Rock Your Move webinar
Watch Diane’s short webinar, “Rock Your Move!” for tips and tricks on how you can be moving rock star.
It’s Your Move!
Check out Diane’s moving blog, “It’s Your Move!” It’s full of her own moving tips and tricks, as well as the experiences of people all over the country.
Moving Resources
Here are some Internet resources that I’ve found helpful for moving tips and advice:
Have a suggestion for a moving resource? Send it on to me at info@homesweethomesbook.com and I’ll add it.
Best Moving Tips
Military wives share their tips – Dozens of military wives responded to the Army Wife Network when I was a guest on the AWN radio show. I included some of them in this blog post.
For more moving tips, follow me on Twitter or join our awesome community of friends on our Home Sweet Homes Facebook page.
Moving Stats & Info
Moving Checklists
And, hey, Realtors!
I’ve got something for you guys, too!